ISO 19011

ISO 19011: ISO 19011 is an international standard laying out the requirements of auditing management systems.

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What is ISO 19011?

It is an international standard laying out the requirements of auditing management systems. It provides instructions on the following:

  • management of an audit programme
  • principles of auditing
  • on the planning and conducting of an audit of the management system
  • evaluation of individuals or teams carrying out audits.

What is ISO 19011 Certification For Auditing Management?

It is an international standard laying out the requirements of auditing management systems. It provides instructions on the following:

ISO refers to International Organization for Standardization. Here, we will discuss ISO 19011 Certification which is about Auditing Management.

ISO makes sure that the quality of the products and their services can be trusted because they’re safe. Did you know that ISO has its own 21000 International Standards?

Well, it does. And did you know about ISO ‘s technical committee?

The panel of experts that are present on the technical committee develop the ISO standards. They make drafts first and then the votes and comments are given by all the members that are shareholders or consumer associations etc. After proper analysis of the draft, if all the members agree on it, then only it becomes an official ISO standard.

The members of the committee can be consumer associations, various NGOs or the Govt itself. This means the experts are from different parts of the world!

The consumer groups request the standards to be taken into consideration and then the idea becomes the draft, all the views from different shareholders and other experts are analyzed to make the standard finally develop.

ISO’s headquarters are in Geneva, Switzerland. ISO sets standards and the members who are representing standards who are from a national standards organization.


The ISO standard 19011 is for the auditing management system. It thus provides a reference in auditing of the management system, like conducting of the management system audits and also managing competence of the individuals that are involved in all this. Normally for the organizations that are large in sizes and need maintenance in their systems, that is why Audit programming is needed. Thus To maintain the external or the internal audits, and the auditors are thus paid for the better management of the system.

These standards provide the principles of auditing, managing an audit programme and also conducting of the management system audits, as well as guidance on the evaluation of the competence of individuals involved in the audit process, including the person who is managing the audit programme, auditors, and audit teams.

This is however applicable to all the organizations that need to conduct an internal or external audit of management systems or manage an audit programme.

The methods that are thus highlighted in ISO 19011 if they are followed can make the internal audits more effective. All the activities of management can thus be organized and it can also be followed smoothly because the audit programming and the evaluation of competence were in the process from the start! Consistency will be there, so there will be the togetherness of the internal audit system.

Thus, the ISO Application 19011:2011 to the other types of audits is possible, provided that special consideration is given to the specific competence which is needed.

Small companies may however not follow the norms but they are a must if the large organizations are in the picture. Also, the process of proper planning and also the intellect is required so that nothing goes out of hand in the future.

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