Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point(HACCP) is a preventive system for ensuring food safety from chemical and physical hazards in the production processes.

Apply For ISO Registration

What is HACCP?

Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point(HACCP) is a preventive system for ensuring food safety from chemical and physical hazards in the production processes. It establish control systems that focus on prevention rather than relying mainly on end-product testing.

It requires organisations to:

  • Conduct a hazard analysis.
  • Identify critical control points
  • Establish critical limits for each control point.
  • Establish critical control points monitoring requirements.
  • Establish corrective actions.
  • Establish procedures for ensuring the HACCP system is working as intended.
  • Establish record keeping procedures.

Documents required:

  1. Application in the MFPI prescribed format (Annexure-I).
  2. Detailed Project Report indicating promoters of the organisation along with the activities/background of the firm,
  3. Income Tax Returns of the proprietor/organisation for previous three years.
  4. A copy of permanent SSI Registration or Industrial Entrepreneur Memoranda (IEM) or Industrial Licence, whichever is applicable.
  5. A copy of FSSAI Licence issued to the applicant organisation.
  6. Bio- Data / experience and Quotations of consultant.
  7. Quotation from certification body
  8. Details of proposed plant & machinery (item-wise & cost-wise)
  9. Complete details of Technical Civil Works indicating item wise/cost wise break up.
  10. An affidavit duly executed on non-judicial stamp paper of Rs.10/- or more duly notarized, affirming
  11. Detailed implementation schedule for implementation of the HACCP/ISO 14000/ISO 22000/ GMP/ GHP system.
  12. Date of commencement of commercial production.
  13. Expenditure proposed to be incurred on the project indicating consultant fee, fee charged by the certification agency,
  14. The consultant for implementing ISO 14000 / ISO22000/ HACCP/GMP/GHP should be registered.
  15. The applicant organization is required to give an undertaking that the training of their employees.